The Golf Course Confessional: This is really a poor man’s game…

There is an old joke, usually told on a Scotsman, that he had quit the game of golf five years ago, but took it up again recently, because he had found his ball.  Frugality is not limited to the Scotch.  In the New Glarus area there is a saying that someone was “being Swiss,” when the issue of compressing the currency comes up.

Just this morning, one of the “Medicare Kids,” our twice weekly group of octo and nono generians, brought in what he defined as real evidence of a true “Schweitzer”  having been present at the course.  I will admit that the Scotsman might be excused a bit for laying off a game, having lost a “feathery” in the gorse, since that single ball was hand made from so many hats of pounded duck feathers that it might have cost a day’s wage. But I suspect that parsimony has now been elevated to “Alpine” heights. Here is the evidence…



Yes…  That is duct tape on a broken golf tee, found in this pristine condition on the tee of hole #6.  I think we may have prima facie evidence of the presence of a true “Schweitzer!” Either that or we have been granted a visit by a Canadian named Red Green, whose rumination on duct tape and WD40 are legendary at the Argue-ment.  “If it moves and it shouldn’t… Duct Tape!  If if doesn’t move and it should… WD40.”

The Golf Course Confessional: Not all of our golfers are Turkeys and not all of our Turkeys are Golfers…



“You have the best job in the county!” one of our golfers told me, as I mowed the fairway.  I could not agree more, particularly when I am halted by play next to one of the Blackcap Raspberry bushes that are prime right now.  This particular bush got me a full cup for “second breakfast.”  They had been rinsed by overnight rain and were sweet as sugar.  Memo to self:  Bring a large Ice Cream bucket tomorrow…



This hen Turkey must have a brood close by, but was so focused on the Mulberries that had fallen to the ground along hole 6 that she would not be distracted by the large, loud mower a few feet away.  The Mulberries are more fragile than the Blackcaps but are just as tasty.  Memo to self:  Bring another Ice Cream Bucket tomorrow…